Your order has been confirmed, and we are doing everything we can to get it to you as soon as possible. Orders are typically shipped 5-7 business days after the order has been placed. You will receive an email with tracking information as soon as possible!
Tracking numbers are sent to your email as soon as your order's label is printed and your order will enter the "pre-shipment" phase. This means that the shipping process has begun and your tracking number will update as soon as USPS scans your order in. This does not mean your order is lost, it is not uncommon for an order to remain in pre-shipment for multiple days.
Tracking numbers are sent to your email as soon as your order's label is printed and your order will enter the "pre-shipment" phase. This means that the shipping process has begun and your tracking number will update as soon as USPS scans your order in. This does not mean your order is lost, it is not uncommon for an order to remain in pre-shipment for multiple days.